Blast Equipment
ACAT offers everything the modern blasting and painting contractor needs to blast safely and efficiently. From portable, industrial-quality machines, parts and accessories, manual and automated blast cabinets, and dry stripping equipment for delicate jobs, we’ve got you covered.
With products and equipment from Clemco, Zero, Aerolyte, and Empire, Advanced Compressed Air Technologies has what you need to get the job done.

Blast Cabinet
Whether you use abrasive blast cabinets to surface prep automotive parts, clean molds, finishing 3D-printed parts, or strip coatings off aerospace parts for inspection, abrasive blasting is a critical component of your manufacturing process—that needs to keep pace with the rest of your production line. You need consistent, repeatable results; reliable throughout; and a quick, verifiable return on your investment. ACAT provides cabinets that deliver what you need.
Blast Pot
From routine coatings maintenance to equipment rehab, whether you are touchup abrasive blasting at a construction site or surface prepping a bridge structure, you need mobile, versatile abrasive blasting machines that can take on a range of jobs with a variety of media. ACAT provides equipment to meet your needs.
Blast Rooms
Surface preparation of trailers, heavy equipment frames, and welded steel structures is critical to your business, or maybe your crew deburrs and cleans half-ton castings and other large fabrications. You could abrasive blast outdoors, but then you’d have to contend with inclement weather, dust-abatement regulations, and the expense of manually cleaning up media and not reusing it. The solution—abrasive blasting inside a blast room equipped with dust-collector and media recovery systems that form a complete, enclosed abrasive blasting solution that resolves the issues of outdoor abrasive blasting. Keep safety inspectors happy, blast more economically and effectively with clean, recovered media, and realize a quick return on
your capital investment with a blast room.
Safety Equipment
Your blasting crew encounters countless hazards and challenges every day: inhalation dangers from dust and other contaminants generated by abrasive blasting, possible injuries from overhead objects and rebounding abrasive, fatigue caused by blasting in extreme temperatures, and other risks. Personal protective equipment (PPE) keeps your operators safe, comfortable, and confident while keeping your abrasive blasting operation compliant with regulations and also profitable. Ensure safety and productivity with NIOSH Approved PPE.